Hunger, Anger Everywhere
By Suyi Ayodele As you drive on our roads, spare a moment to look at the people standing by the roadsides. Also check out the faces of those in your neighbourhoods. What do you see? You will see frustration written all over them. Husbands, wives, children; the old; the young, the able-bodied and the physically challenged, they are all united in frustration and despair. Things that we would have overlooked before are what people fight over these days. A sudden screeching of the brakes attracts hisses. A little splash of water from puddles on the road gets you the bitter "are you blind" question from bystanders, who are ready to leap on you. This is the moment to be extra careful; to be extra vigilant. The streets are not smiling, as they say in our street lingo. The rumbling of an impending volcano is deafening enough. But our leaders appear to be deaf to it or pretend as if nothing is amiss. Yet, a lot is wrong with us; the tension in the cities, towns, villages...