Edo NUJ enrolls members for health insurance scheme

The Nigerian Union of Journalist (NUJ), Edo State Council, has signed up into the Edo State Health Insurance Scheme.

The scheme was set up by the Edo State Government to help residents reduced their out of pocket spendings on health care. 
Prior to the enrollment, the  Director General of the Edo State Health Insurance Commission and other members of his team visited the union to brief them of the importance of the Scheme and the health benefits embedded in the various health plans.

Dr Rock Amegor told the union members that it is very important for them to come into the Scheme, considering the fact that they are the  eyes and mirrors of the society, with very high level credibility in the society.

As part of the enrollment process, Dr. Amegor told the union to avail themselves for medical screening to enable the Commission have their medical records. 

He used the occasion to call on other union, groups and associations to embrace the Scheme
NUJ Chairman, Mr Festus Alenkhe and other executive members present thanked the Commission for reaching out to them, saying that it was part of his electioneering campaign promises.

Part of the enrollment process was the NIN registration.


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