Dakota Whit Makes History as she Breaks Record in the Junior Olympics

By Osaiyekemwen Confidence Osarumwense 

Dakota began training when she was just 3 years old with the guidance of her father Cam White, who was a former TCU wide receiver.
 Dakota White, a 7-year-old African American girl from Dallas, Texas, makes history as the fastest kid in the nation. She in the recent set a new national record for the Junior Olympics. Earlier this month, Dakota and her teammates with Xpress Track Club in Fort Worth set a new record in the girls 8 and under 100-meter relay at the AAU Junior Olympics. Dakota, who finished her part in 59.08 seconds, also set a new national record.
 Dakota who in recent time caught national attention last year when Tiktok videos of her running in a track competition went viral.

Dakota who has won in all the competitions ever since she joined the team.

Dakota who has never missed a day of her training even in the heat of the summer. Her father said she always makes sure to hydrate a lot and take a balanced diet.
Dakota's achievements has brought her so much Joy


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